Engaging the Public Square with a Better Story   

A unique online course where you’ll transform in just 8 weeks from an uncertain and overwhelmed Christian to a confident evangelist, equipped with practical tools, authentic relationship-building strategies, and insights to help you navigate our post-Christian culture.


You want to start a conversation about your faith…


  • BUT, knowing that the person has no basic understanding of the Bible or Jesus, you don’t know where to start. 
  • BUT, you feel unprepared because you feel like you can’t create eloquent arguments for your faith.
  • BUT, between our rapidly changing culture and your desire to show Christ’s love to different lifestyles, you feel overwhelmed.
  • HOW do you stay loyal to Scripture AND open doors for gospel conversations?

We can help you share the big story of the Bible,

and teach you how to have conversations that inspire people to consider a Better Story for the world they live in–a story far better than the one culture has been telling them. Sometimes we even forget how powerful this astonishing story of the gospel really is.  

As Peter Lynas puts it,

“The cultural stories are weaker than we think and the God story is stronger than we sometimes act.”

We can help you share a Better Story with the people in your life!


You don’t have to have a theology degree or have studied apologetics. If your life has been touched by God’s grace, you have a story to tell and you can help people come to know God!  

You’re in the right place!

Engaging the Public Square with a Better Story can transform the way you seek to obey God’s command to share the gospel!


By the end of this program, you will have...


Developed confidence to initiate conversations about faith.

This means no more hesitation or uncertainty when sharing the gospel! You’ll be equipped with practical skills and useful strategies to engage others.


Experienced a transformation in your approach to evangelism, shifting from feeling frustrated to being resilient and full of faith in God’s work.

You will be able to persevere through difficult conversations and relationships, ultimately leading to more meaningful interactions and opportunities for spiritual growth.


Learned the art of storytelling.

You’ll see individuals move from indifference to genuine curiosity, laying the foundation for deeper conversations.


Honed your ability to address tough questions and objections with grace and wisdom.

This will foster deeper relationships and opportunities for discipleship, and you'll be able to cultivate a testimony as an ambassador for Christ within your community.


Experienced the fulfillment of obeying the Great Commission, regardless of any external result you may get to witness.

You’ll experience the joy of seeing God at work in others!

“Being called to share the gospel but not feeling ready is a big deal...I finally [have] a grasp of how simple and authentic it is to share my testimony and the gospel…I just needed the confidence and a better way of putting it into words.”

TARA M. | Course Student, NYC Trip Attendee

Enroll in Engaging the Public Square with a Better Story Today

3 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of


When you pay in full you make the course available for a pastor in Kenya. Click here to learn more.


Check out what others are saying...

“I have had the privilege of knowing Jerry and the team at Spread Truth for over 15 years. From the early days of The Story to the evangelism training curriculum that followed, my students and I have benefitted from the gospel clarity and quality of every resource they've put out. That's why I'm excited to use the fruit of their recent labors, ‘Engaging the Public Square with a Better Story.’ I'm confident that this new resource will only serve to further equip followers of Jesus to be more effective fishers of men in our rapidly changing cultural milieu.”

Dr. George G. Robinson, IV | Professor of Global Disciple Making, Bailey Smith Chair of Evangelism

“Jeff and I at Your Enneagram Coach wholeheartedly endorse Spread Truth's new course, ‘Engaging the Public Square with a Better Story.’ This innovative online evangelism course is a game-changer for anyone eager to share their faith authentically and effectively in today's complex world. SpreadTruth's passion for equipping individuals to navigate conversations on faith with grace and truth is both inspiring and essential. We've seen firsthand the dedication and authenticity of the Spread Truth team, and we believe this course is a vital resource for compassionate neighbors, ministry leaders, and mission enthusiasts alike.

Beth McCord | Founder and COO of Your Enneagram Coach

Engaging the Public Square with a Better Story


We Live in Athens–not in Jerusalem

Uncover the art of effective engagement! We will delve into the strategies of effectively engaging with our contemporary culture, drawing inspiration from the wisdom of the Apostle Paul.


  • Learn from the Apostle Paul how to share the gospel with those who have no Bible foundation.
  • Learn how Paul saw his audience. 
  • Learn how simple obedience can really be. 
  • Learn where evangelism really starts (and it’s not all on you!).
  • Downloadables include a resource list for your own further edification and more!


You’ll learn to overcome the most common hurdles and distractions that often hinder you from effectively sharing the gospel.


  • Learn how you may have been distracted from the Great Commission and not even known it. 
  • Learn the 3 biggest distractions from our obedience to God. 
  • Learn how to combat distraction and be intentional as you share the joy of your faith!
  • Learn practical tips for loving your neighbor! 
  • Downloadables include PDFs about Loving Your Neighbor, a resource list, and more!

Signals of Transcendence

As you explore the Signals of Transcendence, you’ll discover how to recognize the subtle ways in which God is already at work in lives around you and how you can become a part of their journeys. 


  • Learn how to recognize God at work in others. 
  • Learn about the experiences that people had with God as unbelievers. 
  • Learn how to share your own story of coming to faith in Christ. 
  • Learn all over again about God’s patience in calling people to Himself. 
  • Downloadables include ways to find your and others' signals of transcendence, a resource list, and more!

Engaging a Changing Culture

As you engage in a changing culture, equip yourself with a framework for addressing complex contemporary issues while presenting the gospel as the ultimate solution.


  • Learn how you need to prepare now for gospel conversations in the future. 
  • Learn strategies for healthy conversations! 
  • Learn how to have healthy conversations about hot topics. 
  • Learn how to ask good questions! 
  • Downloadables include the Cultural Engagement Wheel Packet, a resource list, interviews, and more!

The Better Story | Part 1

As you harness the power of The Story tool, you’ll explore its profound impact on evangelism and learn how to use stories to connect with and inspire others.


  • Learn how to tell the story of Creation in light of the gospel. 
  • Learn how to tell the story of the Fall in light of the gospel. 
  • Learn all over again how Creation and the Fall are part of the over-arching narrative of the gospel story. 
  • Downloadables include how to tell your own story of brokenness, a resource list, and more!

The Better Story | Part 2

As you dive deeper into God’s narrative, you’ll understand better how to share it with others!


  • Learn how to tell the story of our Rescue in light of the gospel. 
  • Learn how to tell the story of our Restoration in light of the gospel. 
  • Learn all over again how our Rescue and Restoration are part of the over-arching narrative of the gospel story.
  • Downloadables include how to tell your own rescue story, a resource list, and more!

Now What?

Chart your path forward as you seek to make everything you’ve learned practical!


  • Learn how to look at people the way God does. 
  • Learn to see the intrinsic value in people. 
  • Learn how to take everything you’ve learned and turn it into practical action. 
  • Downloadables include a resource list and exclusive interviews!

“I really enjoyed this class; it helped me tremendously…knowing that God has already been working in people's lives…gave me confidence to witness, understanding that my role is to be obedient and present, especially by listening. This approach has been very successful for me, and I'm incredibly grateful for it. Thank you very much.” 


CHERYL S. | Course Student

Plus These Bonuses to Help You Integrate What You’re Learning and Put It Into Practice!


Printed Spread Truth Gospel Resources Starter Pack

Throughout this course, I will introduce you to our gospel-sharing resources, and as a bonus, I’ll send you those printed resources in the mail! That way as you learn how to share the gospel, you have the resources in hand to put it into practice!

(A $49 Value)

You get over 50 items that you can use to share the gospel easily and effectively! :

  • 20-pack of The Story; booklet 
  • 10-pack of The Story Bracelet; bracelet-making kit
  • 20-pack of The Story Conversation Cards 
  •  5-pack of the I’m a Christian! So what happens next?; booklet


2 Live Q&As 

These live Q&A sessions provide the opportunity to engage directly with Jerry, gaining personalized insights and guidance to further enhance your understanding and implementation of the course material.

(A $97 Value)

What you'll get:

  • You'll have direct access to Jerry for two live Q&A sessions. Feel free to ask questions, seek clarification, and receive personalized guidance on applying the course material to your specific evangelism efforts.
  • Gain deeper insights into key concepts and strategies covered in the course.
  • Connect with others in the course who are also passionate about evangelism and building community.



Mini-Course by Jeannie Marie - From Fear to Friendship With Muslims


Let’s be honest about the perceptions we have of Muslims as a whole; and Islam too. The media does not help us. The fact that some of it is true doesn’t help either. In order for God to really help us LOVE Muslims, we must be aware of any deep prejudice we have against Muslims, or fear we hold, and admit that maybe we don’t really know the whole story about what they really believe and who they really are, so that we can invite Muslims to follow Jesus, with love and respect.

(A $97 Value)

What you'll get:

  • Explore your perception of Muslims and how you (really) feel
  • Understand what Muslims (really) think of Christians.
  • Know how to answer the question well, “Are you a Christian?”
  • Plan three activities that will remove your fear and prepare your heart for friendship.
  • Downloadable Guide “Moving From Fear to Friendship”


Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today: 

Engaging the Public Square with a Better Story
(A $800 Value)



  • Printed Resources Mailed to you - $49 Value

  • 2 Live Q&As - $97 Value

  • Mini-course - From Fear to Friendship With Muslims - $97 Value

Total Bonus Value: $243


When you add it all up, that’s a value of



Because of our generous donors, we are able to offer this course for only 


You’ll get access to the whole course for just:

3 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of


When you pay in full you make the course available for a pastor in Kenya. Click here to learn more.


I’m confident that you’ll be refreshed and encouraged to share your faith by the end of this course.


You’ll have gained confidence and a whole series of practical advice for sharing the gospel in our modern culture. But let’s say that you’ve listened to the lectures and downloaded the extra resources from the first two modules and are still not satisfied. 

You have 14 days from when you received course access to start the refund process. 

This means that if you reach out in the first 14 days, you can get a FULL REFUND, no questions asked. Simply email [email protected] and one of our team members will process your refund request.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to learn how to effectively engage the current culture with the gospel?



I can’t wait for you to join Engaging the Public Square with a Better Story!

Welcome! And thank you for your interest in this new, online evangelism course!  


I’ve been honing and using the evangelistic tools I teach in this course for the last 30 years. They have changed the way I think about people, and I know they’ll help you think differently about the people God brings into your life. I’ve used these tools as our team has trained Christians in churches, schools, and mission trips, but after the last few years of cultural upheaval, my burden has expanded. It seems as though we’ve gotten so wrapped up in culture that we’ve been losing gospel-sharing opportunities, so I wanted to make our training and tools more available to Christians!

This online course will allow you to refresh your gospel vision right from your living room or home office. You’ll learn to see people the way God sees them, and gain tools for sharing the gospel while navigating the hurdles culture is throwing at us. You’ll regain your confidence and joy in your own salvation as we look at the Bible with the meta-narrative of redemption from sin in mind. 


If that sounds like something you need, then join me for this very first launch of Engaging the Public Square with a Better Story! Remember, this offer is RISK-FREE! You can join me TODAY by clicking the Enroll Now button below! 


For the gospel,

Jerry McCorkle

Ready? Enroll Now!